How important is someone's physical appearance to you?
It doesn't matter
If you could have one super power, what would it be and why?
Help the needy and defend the helpless
What is the purpose of marriage?
The purpose of marriage is multifaceted and deeply rooted in spiritual, emotional, and social aspects. Marriage is a sacred union between a man and a woman, symbolizing the relationship between Christ and the Church. *Emotional and Relational Purposes* * *Companionship* Marriage provides companionship, mutual support, and comfort, helping individuals
What is the most important lesson that you've learned?
Repect for one and another and have a listen ear.
What do your friends like about you most?
Am a blont person I say things the way they are.
What do your friends tease you about the most?
Don't say it again
What gets on your nerves?
When someone is nagging.
What is the most important thing in a relationship?